York Valley

Gully 1 is currently in use and is consented until 31 December 2034. Gullies 3 and 4 are potential land for future development and are designated for landfill activity (but their use is not anticipated by the Deed of Agreement). The landfill is a valley-type landfill and occupies approximately 3.5 hectares. The site has been filled in 3 metres lifts across the site progressing up the valley sides in a controlled manner.

The waste disposal area has been built up around seven stone chimney drains connected to a leachate collection system which was installed in 1985, which is piped into the city sewer network. The chimney drains which are extended as the landfill is built up serve as ducts to vent landfill gas from the landfill. The chimney drains were capped in 1998 and connected to a gas extraction system. A new enclosed flare was installed in 2022.

York Valley landfill opened in 1987 in Bishopdale. It receives waste from transfer stations, resource recovery centres, and approved commercial operators.

The York Valley landfill has the following asset components:

  • Land, resource consents and designation

  • Leachate collection system including stone drains and gravity main

  • Stormwater collection and settling ponds including cut-off drains

  • Gas collection system including stone chimney vents

  • Enclosed flare

  • Pavements including sealed and unsealed roadways

  • Weighbridge and kiosk

  • Vehicle wheel wash

  • Signs, fencing, litter catch fences and landscaping

  • Compactor 

  • Boiler and gas equipment

In the event of closure of the York Valley Landfill the Eves Valley landfill is able to re-open at short notice.


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